Sunday WorshipSunday, October 13, 2024 On Sunday, October 13, Paula Lofstrom and her son, David West, of International Health Partners will be at TLPC for a joint service with Church of the Mountains at 10:00 AM. A variety of African fair trade handicrafts will be on sale both before and after the service. All proceeds go to benefit IHP. IHP is a small, independent nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of healthcare in Tanzania. https://www.ihptz.org/ They have built hospitals and clinics, trained Tanzanian and international professionals, supported nursing education and focused on maternal health care. TLPC has been involved with IHP since 2007 when Lorelle Banzett and Miriam Hoffmann volunteered for a week at a new hospital IHP was building in Tanzania. A substantial portion of TLPC’s annual CRV recycling proceeds have been sent to IHP, amounting to many thousands of dollars over the years. Our local Days for Girls chapter also sent a shipment of reusable feminine hygiene kits to them. Please plan to join us on Oct. 13 for this special day when we’ll hear about the impact IHP has made in the lives of Tanzanians and about their dreams for the future. Join us in-person or via Zoom at the link below. Coffee and refreshments are offered following the service in the Fellowship Hall. https://us For more infomation visit: http://churchofthemountains.org/events/sunday-worship/2024-10-13
A great big THANK YOU to everyone who either helped to raise money or who donated to the Friends of COM Campaign in September. We are so grateful for the generosity of our COM community! Your collective donations will help us grow our congregation, restore the beauty of our church campus, and create a welcoming and dynamic space that fosters spiritual growth, community connection, and outreach. Together, we are making a tremendous impact in our local Truckee community. If you missed the campaign, it's never too late to support COM! Thanks in advance for your kind gift. For more infomation visit:
Join in together with your COM family to help us get our dear church campus ready for the change in seasons! Mark your calendar for Saturday, November 2, 9:00am - 12:00pm. We'll work as a group to rake leaves, organize a closet, and complete some fix-it things around the church. See you soon! |
With TLPC hosting services at COM, our Sunday mornings will look a bit different. Beginning September 1, here is the Sunday worship schedule:
Stay Up to Date with the Latest!
Interested in Following us on Instagram? @ChurchoftheMountainsUMC Interested in Becoming a Member of the Church? Send us an email to discuss: ComUMC@sbcglobal.net |
Sunday WorshipJoin Church of the Mountains every Sunday at 10am! You can join our service virtually! Zoom Meeting (link and password below) Church of the Mountains is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Meeting ID: 844 5317 6553 Beginning September 1st, service will start at 10:30 AM For more infomation visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84453176553?pwd=NlVjT2U1SXNpOUwxd2dCSkRZNkJsUT09
Church of the Mountains Needs Volunteers!
Church of the Mountains is seeking volunteers for Sunday Worship! Regular volunteer jobs: Set up Zoom equipment Set up snacks and coffee for Fellowship Door greeter Please email the Church at comumc@sbcglobal.net to discuss! |
The Women’s Bible Study group and Prayer NetJoin us every Monday 10-11am at Church of the Mountains (weather and road conditions permitting) Judy Jensen, the group leader welcomes everyone to participate. We read and discuss the books we have chosen in an informal discussion and look forward to spending time and sharing our faith with one another. We pray as an introduction to our study—and we close with prayer. We just completed a study book by Priscilla Shirer called THE ARMOR OF GOD and are currently beginning Shannon Bream’s book entitled THE-MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS OF THE BIBLE SPEAK: Lessons on Faith from Nine Biblical Families. Our group are also members of the Prayer Net and welcome requests that come to us through the larger church body. Any questions? Reach out to Judy at 530-448-6474 or church email comumc@sbcglobal.net |
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Church Giving is Easy
Support the ministry of our church. Your help is highly appreciated! For more infomation visit: https://give.tithe.ly/?formId=e44d2682-6864-11ee-90fc-1260ab546d11
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Church space is available for Event rentals
Our church has undergone recent renovations. We are now opening our doors to the public for event rentals! Our beautifully revamped space is available for your desired occasions, offering a welcoming and versatile venue for your upcoming events. If you or someone you know is looking for a unique and inspiring location for weddings, meetings, celebrations, or other special gatherings, our church could be the perfect fit. To inquire about availability and pricing, please feel free to reach out to us at comumc@sbcglobal.net or 530-587-4407. |